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The Twin*iverse 
Di*verse and Multi*verse in visible form.

Keyhole Navi Graphic with insight into my story and what it has to do with being a twin
Keyhole Navi graphic with image of Annika Viktoria Ritter with sign “About me” link on me: My story and calling to Twin Perspective

In the beginning was OM. The Big Bang from which the universe spiralled out of the singularity and continued to divide into di*verses - two - and expand into fractal structures. Indra's network of jewels is a metaphor to describe the Vedic teachings, illustrating how the structure of the universe is intertwined. Figuratively speaking, it is like a network of dewdrops extending into all dimensions. The dewdrops, mirroring the reflection of all the other dewdrops, extend into infinity.

Graphic fractal universe and how it gets intertwined as a pictorial metaphor for the Twiniverse. Identical twins make the fractal structure of the universe and its reflections physically visible.

An identical twin can physically experience this reflection in another dewdrop more clearly and thus recognise oneself in depth.

And in the reversal, it can become more visibly stuck in the illusion of separation if it no longer finds its way back to the connection.

The Twin*iverse encompasses all aspects of the Twin Perspective.

The Twin Perspective is the new view of uniqueness, polarity, aloneness, twin phenomena and love. It offers a new and unique view of existence and the development of becoming a conscious human being from the twin perspective: from "we" to "I".

The Twin Perspective: the new view of it all 

I am an identical twin. A coincidence that occurs in 0.35% of cases and is still considered inexplicable. I am one of the 1% of people on earth whose cell has split into two. Unlike the singletons, I was born as a team and with a 3D mirror. In search of my authenticity, I flew out of paradise late but hard. After separating from my twin sister, I no longer felt 'whole'. I had to look deeper to know myself. But there is a secret behind this that applies to all of us: we are all unique and we are all one. Separation is an illusion. Everything we see on the outside is a reflection of ourselves. That is why the identical twin makes physically visible how the great mysteries of humanity and the world are connected.

Reflection Annika Viktoria Ritter Original in colour, reflections in grey to represent projections. The Twin Perspective is the new way of looking at uniqueness, polarity, loneliness, twin phenomena and love.

"Human problems become more obvious through being twins. That's why they are so fascinating. Identical twins have not only brought their own mirror with them, they are also an intense mirror and therefore a projection surface for the outside world."

The Mission: 

My mission is to contribute to a deeper self-awareness and better coexistence in society through my work and the project. In a world in which conflicts and black-and-white thinking are on the rise again, we need to take a fresh look at polarity and all its manifestations.

Annika Viktoria Ritter in a kaleidoscope to show reflections of different aspects of the self. Human problems become more apparent through being a twin. Identical twins have brought their mirror with them and are often a projection surface for the outside world.

I see a world in which more people become aware of all these connections and sing, yodel and jubilate together. Because yodeling is very similar to laughing. Synchronisation. I am Uni*verse and see the Multi*verse."

"I see a new world in which you accept yourself with all your disagreements and recognise conflict as a reflection of yourself.

Graphic banner indicating Twiniverse YouTube Channel Coming Soon design element: The project with book series, twin interviews on YouTube and Facebook community

The Project: 

The book series: The Twin Perspective: a new view of it all. 
To get to know yourself and the world better, it often helps to take a different perspective. The books offer a new perspective on authenticity, conflict, relationships, loneliness, mysterious twin phenomena and even love. They provide a deep insight into my experiences as an identical twin and combine them with findings from epigenetics, psychology, consciousness research and physics.

Graphic placeholder book the Twin Perspective design element: The books present a new perspective on authenticity, conflict, relationships, loneliness, unexplained twin phenomena and even love. With insights from epigenetics, psychology, consciousness research and physics.

Interviews on YouTube: The Twinterviews: Objectification of perception 
The Twinterviews are about the internal view of twins. They complement my self-exploration through conversations with other twins. They enrich my experience and differentiate my own subjective perceptions.

YouTube graphic icon on small TV - click on it. The Twinterviews complement self-exploration through conversations with other twins. With yodeling crash courses, becoming aware of what the voice has to do with the single tone and harmony with oneself and the world.

Vocal transformation on YouTube: Single*Ton*e: Yodeldidu for harmony with yourself 

I offer small yodeling crash courses and make people aware of what the voice has to do with mood and harmony with oneself and the world. At the same time, yodeling is becoming more and more recognised across borders as the most original tool for voice transformation. Then Evelyn Hamann's statement in Loriot's yodel diploma: "...And I have the feeling that as a woman I stand on my own two feet. I have something of my own...!" takes on a whole new meaning.

Community on Facebook: Be*ing together: New ways of living and working 
A space to network, exchange ideas and take on new projects together to fulfil the mission of better coexistence.

Graphical representation of the Twin Perspective community on Facebook to click on. Community on FB for a new way of being together: networking, sharing and working for a better togetherness.
6.0 Sonstiges - 5.15 Wünsche.png
Graphical representation of Twiniverse in an old TV set for reference to YouTube channel design element. The Twiniverse channel with twin perspective, interviews with other twins and voice transformation to singleton
Graphic illustration Banderole Note Join the Twin Perspective. Join the vision to support people in the consciousness process through a new perspective and fun tools.


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Your donation: You are very interested in the "Twin Perspective: the new view of it all". You can't wait to find out more and want to support me in my mission. You are very welcome to do so. I'm very happy about it. Yippee Yes!!!

Thanks to people like you, my vision of supporting people through a new perspective and entertaining tools in the "awareness process" can continue to grow.

Graphical wallet with PayPal donation button to donate money with one click. Your support for the book series and the mission of the Twin Perspective: the new view on everything
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Real physical effort: 
Do you have time now and want to do something meaningful where you are needed?

  • Recommendation: Every referral is valuable. Yes, that's how great movements start. You can be a little spark that ignites the project. And it has a professional name: viral marketing. Be my Twin Perspective ambassador!

  • Sponsorship: You are well connected and know how to get the right sponsors. Maybe you've already run a crowdfunding campaign and know how to do it easily.

Graphic weightlifter hint for your help with the Twin Perspective design element. Your concrete help with the Twin Perspective is needed
  • Backlinks: You have a platform of your own and you like my project so much that you want to recommend me. Wowiiiiii... and thank you.

  • PR: Friends of PR, you can help me by spreading my story to the right people. For example, you might know the right media company or even a celebrity. Maybe even a celebrity like Julia Roberts, George Clooney or Brad Pitt with a twin background. (All three are friends and have twins.) Here we go.

  • Editing: You are an editor and would like to support me. Great, great, great... I clap my hands. Feel free to contact me.

From the twins' perspective

The Twinterviews complete my self-exploration through conversations with other identical and fraternal twins. It reinforces my experience and differentiates what are my own more subjective perceptions. I hope you enjoy looking at the world through a mirror. With the 'Twin Perspective' and the 'Twinterviews' with other twins, I want to give not only twins and their parents, but also singletons, the chance to understand each other better and to remember true love through this more intensive look at themselves and being human. An unconditional love in freedom and full of trust in each other and in people. A real organic matrix that becomes physically visible, especially through identical twins. Identical twins make up about 1% of the population and fraternal twins 2%. But the number of twin births has actually increased in recent decades. The main reason for the increase is the increasing age of women giving birth and fertility treatments. But this only applies to fraternal twins. Identical twins are a coincidence of nature. Because identical twins have a chance of 0.35%. The coincidence that previously seemed unknown. We also know that more and more pregnancies start with multiples, but often only one fetus survives. What we do not know is what it is like to grow up with a "double". Twin research focuses more on the outside and less on the inside. A lost twin and the trauma associated with it is still an underestimated little-studied phenomenon. In my publications on the "twin perspective" I give deep insights into my experiences as an identical twin and the implications of this in a "singleton" world. It's about the big questions of life, embedded in autobiographical stories, combined with research from epigenetics, physics, psychology and consciousness. I offer unique access to the previously unexplored secrets of the emotional world and consciousness of twins, and what this new perspective means for all of us. Has the secret of the "0.35% coincidence" been revealed? You can find my story and all of its insights in the following book series: The Twin Perspective: the new view of it all.

Miniature figures as various twin couples on Lake Zurich with a quotation about a twin world. The perspective of people with 3D mirrors who shared the womb together.

«Imagine the world was a twin world. A world full of people who brought a 3D human mirror and shared the womb. What would be different?»

TWIN PERSPECTIVE You can find support here  

You want to understand more about the causes of the intense conflicts and challenges in your relationship. You want "real" solutions on how to find more autonomy in the connection. As a parent of twins, you want to help your children become independent people.

COMMUNITY Find like-minded people in the Twin Community 

Do you want to meet other twins who feel the same way?
Want to be part of the Twin Perspective movement?
Want to know when and where to buy the Twin Perspective book?

BOOK Discover a new universe in the book

Has the secret of the "0.35% coincidence" been revealed? Would you like to know why so few people are born as identical twins and whether this revealed secret can tell you anything about chance? The Twin Perspective: is the new view of it all! A new perspective on yodeling, being alone, new work and love.

T-SHIRT The symbol of this new view 
YODELDIDU Find your original tone                          

NEW WORK Self-effective in a team                         

MY STORY From We to I

Make your wish come true. 

You haven't found your wish among my offers

Contact me so we can discuss your request. 
I look forward to it.

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